Sunday, January 13, 2013

waiting on that pie in the sky

Well, someone close to me said that the reason why I don't have what I want is because I stopped praying. Let me give you the backstory. I have visited the religion cafeteria quite a few times in my life, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, all before I was 15. My mother was always searching for a faith to belong to, and took me along for the ride with her. At this point, I never had a personal connection/relationship with God. Most of the time, I was just going through the motions. There have been times where my prayers have been answered. But I never fully trusted that God really had my back. If that was the case, why was my childhood stolen from me? Why did I have to grow up without my father? Why was I abused and mistreated? Why did I feel so alone at times? Misunderstood? There were several times where I considered suicide. Others where I was depressed. Not having enough money. Always just getting by. No vacations, new clothes, just surviving in the projects while raising my children. I was a practicing(most of the time) Christian for 7 years. 7 years of paying tithes, going to church every Sunday, Christmas, Easter, and New Year's Eve. No ganja, sex, alcohol, partying. Except for "backsliding" and having my son, I was practically a nun. I told myself I was waiting for my husband and my financial miracle. Neither one showed up. One day I got bored with the same routine. Tired of praying asking and waiting for the pie in the sky. I need physical attention. Yes, I need sex and lots of it!! I want to be a wild woman. Howling at the moon and being connected with nature. I'm finding out that true spirituality has nothing to do with religion. I've been looking into connecting with the Divine Feminine. I'm also planning on building an altar and beginning a meditation and chanting practice. Hey, it worked for Tina Turner. Ultimately I plan on discovering my true path. What works for me. Oh yeah, orgasms galore, having wealth and the wisdom to make it grow, world travel and awesome adventures are in store. I bet my pie in the sky on it.

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